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We Scanned Their Skies With Stardust Eyes…

May 7th, 2012

A really good friend reminded me yesterday about the history of Dreamscape, the reason why it was started, all the hard work, vast content (much of which has been lifted wholesale and plonked into a variety of Facebook profiles with zero credit back to toyah.net :)) and dedication. What began as a horrible, negative, stressful day ended on a completely different note. I could write a book (Chapter 2007: Annus Horribilis) about my experiences of running these sites, and the (in)famous forum. Don’t worry, I won’t. I never sat on my laurels that’s for sure. It’s great that some who visited the site on its first day still visit so many years later. Dreamscape always was (and is) for, and about, Toyah and the true fans…

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